Our workProjects . . .
Discover our work in helping individuals, small and leading brands build their online business.

Web Design / WordPress / SEO / Google Ads / Web Maintenance
Vip Montage GmbH - Solar Company in Switzerland
The client wanted a premium package multi-page website, which included - research & analytics of the market, branding, web design, WordPress custom theme development, content marketing, web maintenance, SSL, hosting & domain management, SEO, Google business profile setup & Google ads campaign. Delivery - 6 days. Features - fully-responsive, SEO-friendly, highly-converting website with custom blog and design.

Web Design / JavaScript / SEO / Google Ads / Web Maintenance
Rent Car Arm - Car Renal Company in Armenia
The client wanted a multilingual standard package landing page, which included - research & analytics of the market, branding, web design, JavaScript development, web maintenance, SSL, hosting & domain management & Google ads campaign. Delivery - 4 days. Features - fully-responsive, SEO-friendly, highly-converting website. Results - Google Ads CTR more than 20% & great ROI.

Web Design / WordPress / SEO / Google Ads / Web Maintenance
The Highend - Appliance Services in Florida
The client wanted a premium multi-page website, which included - research & analytics of the market, branding, web design, WordPress custom theme development, content marketing, web maintenance, SSL, hosting & domain management, SEO, Google business profile setup & Google ads campaign. Delivery - 12 days. Features - fully-responsive, SEO-friendly, highly-converting website. Results - Google Ads CTR more than 15% & growing the business in 9 months, openning the second branch only based on the Google Ads & SEO results.

Web Design / Next.js / SEO / Web Maintenance
Algo School - Online IT School
The client wanted a standard web app package, which included - branding, web design, Next.js development, SEO, SSL, hosting & domain management. Delivery - 2 days. Features - fully-responsive, SEO-friendly web app with high rankings on Google.

Web Design / JavaScript / Web Maintenance
Narara - Animations Studio Wordlwide
The client wanted a standard multi-page website package, which included - web design, JavaScript development, SSL, hosting & domain management, writing YouTube video integration scripts without plugins or widgets. Delivery - 8 days. Features - fully-responsive & fast loading website.

Web Design / Next.js / MongoDB / SEO / Web Maintenance
Juntals - Worldwide Freelance Platform
The client wanted a premium web app package, which included - branding, web design, full-stack development: Next.js. MongoDB, Next-Auth, SEO, SSL, hosting & domain management. Delivery - 60 days. Features - fully-responsive, SEO-friendly web platform with authenticaton and media profile customization system, highly ranked on Google.